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Printed compilation of official FAA data for the East Central states
Though many commercial electronic and print offerings highlight changes and current operating data affecting the National Airspace System, the FAA's Airport/Facility Directory series of publications remains the only official source of info for airports, heliports, seaplane bases, NAVAIDS, weather sources, communications data, and more. Published every 56 days, A/FDs contain the very latest information on such items as radio frequencies, telephone numbers, runway dimensions & layouts, fuel availability, lighting systems, and much, much more. They also highlight changes that have occurred since the most recent publication of various aeronautical charts (Sectionals, TACs, WACs, Helicopter Route Charts, etc.), as well as updates to instrument approach procedures.This volume of the A/FD contains the pertinent FAA data affecting aviation operations in the East Central states (IL, IN, MI, OH, and WI). Available as a one-time purchase or as a subscription, the Airport/Facility Directory is the low-cost, reliable, must-have official publication to keep you safe and informed throughout your aviation operations.