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Large F1.8 maximum aperture enables beautiful defocusing effects, 7-blade circular aperture creates beautiful defocused bokeh
Compact, lightweight design ideal for full-frame E-mount cameras, Aspherical element controls spherical aberration and coma
Double-gauss configuration suppresses field curvature & distortion, Metal mount adds solid durability as well as a sophisticated feel, Fast DC motor focus actuator system drives all lens groups
75mm (35mm equivalent) focal length with APS-C sensor. Angle of View (APS-C) : 32 degree
In-the-box: Hood (ALC-SH146), Lens front cap (ALC-F49S), Lens rear cap (ALC-R1EM)
This 50mm Full-frame E-mount Fast Prime Lens offers a focal length that is perfect for portraiture and a range of other subjects. A bright F1.8 maximum aperture, 7-blade circular aperture and aspherical element deliver impressive image quality with beautifully defocused background bokeh, all in a surprisingly compact and lightweight package. Minimum focus distance is 1.48 feet. Maximum magnification is 0.14x. When using a flash always remove the lens hood and shoot at least 3.3 feet away from your subject