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As a result of your purchases, we give blankets to shelter dogs. (it's not a promotion, it's a purpose).
Each product you buy, we give a shelter dog a blanket. Your comfort becomes their comfort. The throwbee is a true blanket that effortlessly converts into a luxurious poncho. Pop open two center 'MAGNETIC' snaps and you're surrounded in luxurious front/back coverage and hands-free convenience with no awkward sleeves. There's also a handy pocket in front! Get-up-and-go anywhere in a throwbee. Indoors and out, great for sports events, lounging, travel, and more. A fabulous enhancement to any home decor. Perfect for all ages - men, women, teens, kids, parents, grandparents, sports fans, teachers... everyone!! Save $ on heating bills too. EVERYONE will love their throwbee!! The best gift you can give to yourself and everyone else. Get one for every member of your family. :-)