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“Abraham Lincoln [in a past life] had been a yogi in theHimalayas.” ―Paramhansa Yogananda,author of the classic Autobiography of aYogi AbrahamLincoln was a yogi. No. . . there is no record that he assumed the headstand during Cabinet meetings.Nor did he meditate in the lotus pose before delivering the Gettysburg Address. Yet,in many aspects of his life―in little things he did, and in his reactions tosituations―Lincoln behaved, quite naturally and unconsciously, just like a yogi. Yogais more than a series of physical postures. It is a philosophy, a way of life,a spiritual path. Infact, whether they know it or not, many people today who consider themselves“spiritual” follow a yogic way oflife. Andso did Lincoln. Lincolnwould have agreed, in his own way and to varying degrees, with certain pointsof view followed nowadays by spiritual people. He was, in some ways, aforerunner of the modern truth seeker. Thisbook was written to throw a spotlight on Lincoln's many regular, and evendaily, habits that demonstrate his affinity with the ancient spiritual scienceof yoga.