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Units: Carat, Custom, Grain, Gram, Hong Kong Tael, Kilogram, Mesghal, Milligram, Momme, Newton, Ounce, Ounce Troy, Pennyweight, Pound, Singapore Tael, Taiwan Tael, Tical, Tola
Display: 2-Line LCD with Backlight
Pan Size: 3.54"
Power: AC Adapter (Included)
Construction: Metal base, plastic top housing, removable stainless steel pan, glass draftshield, integrated weigh-below-hook, security bracket, calibration lock and in-use cover
The PX offers high accuracy and repeatability for essential weighing applications in laboratory, industrial and education settings at an economical price point. Featuring a cast metal lower housing, sub-pan and stainless steel weighing pan, the PX is durably constructed for versatile, long-term use. The PX features a second line display for additional information or guidance, a static removal bar for convenient grounding, and USB and RS232 connectivity for easy communication.