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Contraindications: Chanca Piedra: Contraindicated for hypoglycemic animals. Associated with diuretic effects & chronic, acute use with other diuretics can result in electrolyte imbalance. Consult your Vet if you choose to use this plant chronically for longer than 3 months. Contraindicated during pregnancy. Eggplant: Night shade family. Do not use if your pet is allergic to night shade plants. This product does not contain eggplant seeds. Potato Extract: Mildly hypotensive; animals with cardiovascular disorders, hypotension, or blood-pressure medications should consult with a Vet. Cipo Cabeludo: Do not use with diuretics or blood thinners. Radish: May lower blood sugar & is contraindicated in animals with hypoglycemia. Consult with your vet for diabetic pets. Monitor blood sugar levels regularly as the dosage of insulin medications may need adjusting. Long-term use of Radish may result in the die-off of friendly bacteria with potential overgrowth of yeast (Candida). Cycling off the use of the plant (every 21-30 days for one week) is recommended if your pet is not at risk of blockage or does not have several large stones or is unable to pass stones. Consult with your veterinarian for long term use or if your pet's condition is listed above. Add pet friendly Probiotic to the diet when using Break It Up. This product contains turkey protein palatant flavoring, both capsule and powder (not turkey digest).