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This product was selected for the Green Directory at Automechanika Frankfurt in 2010. Dyno-tab Cooler Coolant extends and revitalizes coolant life by replenishing important components in the coolant that is currently in your system. Dyno-tab Cooler Coolant restores vital components such as rust and corrosion protection, anti-foaming properties and water pump lubricant. Dyno-tab Cooler Coolant also adds special wetting agents to both new and old engine coolants that result in better heat transfer from hot engine parts as the coolant circulates. Extends service life of engine coolant. Replenishes critical cooling system additives. Keeps engines running cooler, up to 20 degrees F. Fights scale formation. Effective in any water-cooled engine. 10 gram pouch One pouch treats up to 12 liters