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Billy Bragg & Wilco - Mermaid Avenue - CD Used/Like New
Review The combination [of Bragg and Wilco] feels nostalgic and contemporary at once, like a good rabble-rousing speech--or a snatch of Americana suddenly recalled years after you thought it'd passed forever from memory. -- Spin Walking Guthrie's WWII-era lyrics into our century's rock & roll half, Bragg and Wilco's Jeff Tweedy take turns on lead vocals, and the entire group collaborates on a sound that draws upon folk- and country-rock, from Dylan and the Band to Gram Parsons and Uncle Tupelo. The results are nearly flawless. -- USA Today With [Billy] Bragg ... and Wilco's Jeff Tweedy each singing seven songs and guest Natalie Merchant taking one, Mermaid Avenue can initially seem disjointed and unfocused, but ultimately its ramshackle approach proves to be the perfect channel for Guthrie's raucous and irrepressible spirit. -- The Los Angeles Times [Mermaid Avenue] is a thing in itself, perhaps standing outside the stories told by the careers of its principals, as if already looking back on all their failures, saying this time you got it right. -- Rolling Stone [L]et's charge on and state loudly and clearly that is a lovely record. That's "lovely" as in twisted, mental, weird, awkward and occasionally downright freaky. This album reveals Guthrie as much, much, much more than some one-track, no-fun, super-politically correct commie robot. It also illustrates just how timid and timorous so many of the current crop of scribblers and warblers are. -- New Musical Express [The collaborators] succeed to wondrous effect, inventing enough lilting melodies and vocal arrangements to make Guthrie's songs sound like sing-along classics. -- People