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Lallemand | LalVin VP41 | Dry Malolactic Bacteria | 2.5 g Packet for increased richness and complexity
Mellows red wines and adds buttery notes to whites and converts harsh malic acid to soft lactic acid
In red wines increased spicy, cherry and red fruit flavors have been noted. Red and white wines fermented with VP41 have increased richness and complexity.
Direct innoculation after alcoholic fermentation, can be added after first or second racking or even later
Oenococcus Oeni strain manufactured by Lallemand. One pack is sufficient to treat 66 Gallons.
Dry Malolactic bacteria, Oenococcus Oeni strain manufactured by Lallemand. Malolactic cultures are bacteria that convert harsher malic acid to soft lactic acid. They are often used in red wines to mellow them and sometimes in Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc to provide the buttery notes. In red wines increased spicy, cherry and red fruit flavors have been noted. Red and white wines fermented with VP41 have increased richness and complexity. Isolated in the Abruzzi region of Italy during an extensive European Union collaboration for use in red and white wines. Alcohol tolerance: 61F