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Fights stains and odors with the power of OXI
Targets tough stains deep within fabrics
Tackles 99% of common stains and odors
Tough on stains and odors. Easy on your wallet
Works in all machines and water conditions—even cold water
Get tough on tough stains with Tide Simply OXI Boost + Ultra Stain Release. Stubborn stains are no match for this ultra-powerful laundry detergent formulated with OXI Boost plus Ultra Stain Release. Tide Simply OXI Boost + Ultra Stain Release uses innovative stain-fighting technology to target stains deep within fabrics to remove them completely, tackling 99% of common stains, while leaving a crisp Refreshing Breeze scent. Tide Simply OXI + Ultra Stain Release works in all machines and water conditions—even cold water—so you can whiten, brighten, and get your clothes smelling fresh at a price that is easy on your wallet.