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2024 DIARY: Our 2024 planner features sepia tones and celestial designs. The classic size is a classic for a reason: it has the perfect amount of space for writing, planning, and prioritising projects. Carry it on your commute to school or work to always have your plans on hand.
VERTICAL LAYOUT: This daily diary’s vertical layout includes 3 daily lined box spaces that can be divided by time of day or between work, school, and life activities. Categorise it to fit your needs! A favourite for sticker lovers, our diary is dated January 2024–December 2024.
STYLE: This cute weekly diary includes 12 months of calendars and weekly spreads and 12 dividers. The sturdy laminated covers protect the pages, and the disc-bound system and plastic discs allow you to customise with diary accessories.
CUSTOMISABLE: Make your calendar diary unique from the inside out. Our signature disc-bound spine allows you to add, remove, and rearrange the pages. You can even change out the discs! Add stickers, pockets, and page markers for a true-to-you piece.
OUR PROMISE: At Happy Planner, it’s our mission to spread happiness wherever we go, and we want to empower people everywhere to embrace the positive and Plan a Happy Life! With each purchase, you’ll get a little slice of joy that you can use every day.