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A hybrid beefsteak tomato, Better Boy Plus is grown as a fruit vegetable that sets small "perfect" flowers followed by firm, unbelievably juicy, bright red tomatoes, weighing around a pound.
They have good uniformity and a higher brix value (6.5), meaning they have the same unbeatable flavor as Better Boy, but sweeter. A great slicer, Better Boy Plus can also be canned or cooked into sauces.
Tomatoes are considered a superfood for their nutrient rich content, having a high (top 20) Aggregate Nutrient Density Index score (ANDI), or micronutrient-per-calorie density. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and provide vitamin A and potassium. They also contain carotenoid lycopene and beta-carotene as well as phenolic acids and flavonoids.
Typically grown as an annual, Better Boy Plus, an herbaceous tender perennial, is a member of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), which contains plants that typically grow in temperate to tropical regions.
A vigorous indeterminate variety, often called a "vining" tomato, Better Boy Plus requires staking or caging for support. Blossoms and fruit continue to develop as the vine grows, so, it bears an impressive amount of fruit over the course of a season.
A hybrid beefsteak tomato, Better Boy Plus is grown as a fruit vegetable that sets small "perfect" flowers followed by firm, unbelievably juicy, bright red tomatoes, weighing around a pound.