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3-piece break jump cue features 100% Canadian maple,unique zebrawood design
13.5mm tip is comprised of bakelite jump break billiard cue tip with brown phenolic ferrule to create a powerful tip that transfers more energy, resulting in increased cue ball control and chalk adhesion
Jump/Break Pool Cue with double quick-release joints ,Make sure switch to jump cue quickly.Easy to Pick it up or Removal,It comes an extra joint protectors
20/21/23oz weight,make sure you choose the right weight for you to achieve maximum break power.
This pool cue has a two-piece butt that crushes racks when fully assembled and paired with the specially designed break shaft
CUEELF Heavy Hitter Jump Break Pool Cue 3-Piece Jump/Break Pool Cue Stick Canadian Maple Shaft Billiard Sticks