Tyrolia Attack 14 GW BR.95[A] s.bk
Tyrolia Attack 14 GW BR.95[A] s.bk
Tyrolia Attack 14 GW BR.95[A] s.bk
Tyrolia Attack 14 GW BR.95[A] s.bk

Tyrolia Attack 14 GW BR.95[A] s.bk (114429)

Product ID : 51510151

Galleon Product ID 51510151
UPC / ISBN 008466144290
Shipping Weight 5.26 lbs
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Model 114429 - 95
Manufacturer Tyrolia
Shipping Dimension 16.93 x 9.49 x 3.43 inches
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Tyrolia Attack 14 GW BR.95[A] s.bk Features

  • TYROLIA Attack 14 GW

About Tyrolia Attack 14 GW BR.95[A] S.bk

Don't look now, but Tyrolia have re-shuffled their binding range. The Attack 13s have been replaced by the Tyrolia Attack 14 GW Ski Bindings which, with a DIN range of 4 - 14, will do the job for all but the biggest and baddest of freeskiers. The Attack range is known for precise power transmission, light weight, and ease of stepping in even in powder, good news for skiers exploring the steep and deep. Note: if you intend to use an ISO 9523 Touring sole, you'll need to purchase the Attack 14 MN bindings designed to accommodate the extra sole thickness, not this model.