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This is the perfect option if you love them all or want to try them all out for the first time
Sparkling Gold: golden and most surprising refreshing taste. simply amazing.
Sparkling Rosé: ruby pink dry yet so powerful berry and vanilla tasty.
Cripsy Chardonnay: wonderful dry and full of attitude. crispy it is.
Zero Alcohol Vegan Wines by VINADA
The Process From Grape to Wine to 0% The grapes are fermented and aged according to the traditional winemaking method. During this traditional vinification, the grapes are bruised very carefully and the skins begin to release their coloring to the juice. Once our VINADA winemaker is satisfied with the shade, the grapes are gently pressed and the skins and juice separated. Fermentation then continues. The wine is de-alcoholised just before bottling. De-alcoholization takes place by means of vacuum extraction: The fully fermented base wine is de-alcoholized under vacuum at a low temperature. The temperature is crucial for the taste. The lower the temperature during de-alcoholization, the more aromas and thus taste are preserved. This process takes place at the prefect temperature and is a well-kept VINADA secret. The volatile aromas of the wine are extracted simultaneously with the alcohol. The aromas are returned directly to the de-alcoholised wine. The wine is then purified, filtered and stabilized.