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Size: (125 mL / 8 oz.)
Stain peripheral blood and bone marrow smears
Used to perform differential white blood cell counts and to study red blood cell morphology
Bnormal granulocyte, lymphocyte or monocyte cell counts may be used to facilitate the diagnosis of diseases such as leukemia or bacterial infections
Romanowsky stain
Romanowsky stain, for peripheral blood and bone marrow smears. Also used to perform differential white blood cell counts and to study red blood cell morphology. Abnormal granulocyte, lymphocyte or monocyte cell counts may be used to facilitate the diagnosis of diseases such as leukemia or bacterial infections INTENDED USE: A hematology stain is intended for use in differential staining procedures for blood, bone marrow, and the demonstration of blood parasites. EXPECTED RESULTS: The reaction of the cytoplasm to neutral staining is subject to many variables. The variable of the greatest magnitude is the resultant pH of the stainbuffer mixture at the cellular surfaces. The overall color of the red blood cells is a guide to stain quality and should be used in adjusting staining and buffering times for desired results. RBC’S: Pink-tan color. WBC’S: Nuclei with bright, bluish-purple chromatin light blue nucleoli. LYMPHOCYTES: Clear blue cytoplasm, red-purple granules may be present. Acidic stain yields pale blue cytoplasm, whereas alkaline stain yields gray or lavender lymphocyte cytoplasm. MONOCYTES: Bluish grey cytoplasm, azure granules usually present. NEUTROPHILS: Light purplish-pinkish or lavender granules in cytoplasm. Acidic stain yields pale neutrophilic granules, whereas a basic stain yields dark, prominent neutrophilic granules. EOSINOPHILS: Bright red or reddish-orange granules in cytoplasm. Acidic stain yields brilliant and distinct red granules, whereas basic stain yields deep gray or blue eosinophilic granules. BASOPHILS: Deep purple and violet-black granules in cytoplasm. PLATELETS: Red-purple granules in light blue cytoplasm. STORAGE AND EXPIRATION: Store reagents at room temperature (70-77.9 °F/ 20-25.5°C). Protect the stain from exposure to water vapor, and direct sunlight. Maximum intended shelf life is printed on the label. If stain is kept in staining solution for an extended period (e.g., several weeks), filter before use.