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SINGLE PIECE: This carbon fiber shoe insert is sold as a SINGLE plate, not as a pair. The ortho shoe insole can be worn on your right or left foot. Suitable for men or women. NB! Visit your local doctors' office to make sure this is the right product for you.
INSOLE DESIGN: This Carbon fiber insole is 1,6 mm thick and has 180 degrees flat plate design with minimum flexibility. Big toe orthotic and foot support - The rigid shoe orthotic limits the range of motion and distributes weight evenly to remove excess pressure from the big toe.
INSOLE FOR RECOVERY: This Carbon fiber shoe insole is VERY RIGID. The Morton´s Extension insole is most suitable for Morton's Toe, Turf Toe and Hallux Rigidus. The carbon fiber insert raises the level of the big toe thereby supporting recovery of the foot and reducing foot pain.
HOW TO WEAR: This shoe stiffener insert can make the shoe feel tight. We recommend using this Carbon fiber footplate with footwear that has a high and wide toe area - Ideal for recovering from forefoot trauma and to protect from further injuries. To add more comfort use this rigid insole below your original removable shoe sole.
PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCT - SAVE UP TO 50%: This pure carbon fiber is made in Japan. The thin, strong, durable, lightweight insoles are produced and designed in Europe by ESTCARBON. Our Amazon price is excellent as these insoles are twice as expensive in your local Pharmacy or Doctor's office.
This carbon fiber insert is sold as a single item, not as a pair. For both shoes, please order two shoe inserts. We recommend that you take measures of your shoe insole before you order this carbon fiber insert. Our insert allows you to wear sneakers, boots after injuries or surgical procedures making your shoe more rigid. The insert is fitting for either right of the left shoe just by flipping it over. Compared to steel plates carbon fiber inserts are 3-4 times lighter and they are not damaging shoes or rusting as spring steel plates do. The insole is only 1.2mm thick and it is very lightweight. The carbon fiber insert is placed underneath the sole or the sock liner. They allow athletes to play by providing support to the injured foot. It can be used for a turf toe, chronic injuries, metatarsal stress fractures, broken bones and so on. Immobilizes toe joints to prevent it from bending during walking and sports. This carbon inserts can also be used in the case of Arthritis pain or Ideopathic Toe Walking, stabilizing the foot. It can also be used for arch support. This insole is not made for a shoe with a heel. Also, the shape of the insert will not match leather stylish party shoes. They will fir best for sneakers. Carbon fiber inserts are currently being used by professional athletes also hikers all around the world. Inserts are recommended by Doctors, Orthopedic Surgeons, Sports Medicine Physicians, Chiropractors and Athletic Trainers all over the World.