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BRING IMAGINATION TO LIFE: Top-up your Makedo with this combination of SCRU and SCRU+. Connect cardboard as simply as righty tighty, lefty loosey! *NOTE: This is not a stand-alone kit. You will need a SCRU-DRIVER or MINI-TOOL to use the SCRU parts.
VERSATILE AND STRONG: Makedo gives engineering a wide range of variety. From solo learning to ambitious family home projects (like the biggest cardboard fort... ever) this kit will ignite the creative genius in all makers.
OPEN-ENDED PLAY: Makedo provides the tools that assist in opening the door to imaginative play. The possibilities are endless when a child is the protagonist in a hack-able world of their own making.
CREATING IS SIMPLE: This is pure, no-tech (but tech-friendly*) fun for girls and boys. Simple and safe, cardboard construction has never been this easy. Anything is possible as the happy makers up-cycle, up-skill, problem solve and develop critical 21st century thinking skills.
EXPAND YOUR TOOL KIT! The perfect solution for your student or classroom to supplement their Makedo toolkit. Makedo facilitates educational fun and keeps our planet green!
Foster your child's creative imagination with a simple to use, open-ended system of tools for creative cardboard construction. Build imaginative and useful creations from repurposed cardboard