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Powered by the V-System, EZTAT2 V-Select Plus Cartridges give artist finger extra comfort, less finger fatigue and absorbs those damaging vibrations while tattooing.
It balances the tension of the membrane to present smooth and optimum saturation on the skin in every hitting.
V-Select tattoo cartridges curved mag exclusive precise positioning system insulates the vibration of the needle for added precision to create the exact movement and instruct the exact pixel the way you want.
With the V system, the potential ink splash problem has been 75% reduced and the new (whole round) cartridge shell design will provide an extra 20% ink storage,more ink goes to the skin and less ink being wasted.
New Outshape, Brut Gold Cartridge Cases, Embellish in luxury with the elegant gold finish that's sure the cartridges are exquisitely made ; Aesthetic V Shape Cartridge,An iconic V shape being carved on the cartridge shell to create an aesthetic V-system signature.