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Tired of constant buffering when trying to stream online?Are there any areas of your home where your Wi-Fi disappears? Want an easier wayto set-up that eliminates Wi-Fi dead spots? Need a solution that gets the bestfrom your internet connection & gives you the freedom to use your connecteddevices all over your property? In that case Tenda MW12 is the only product yourequire for the whole home Wi-Fi. No matter the construction of your premises, a set of three nova units canfully cover an area of up to 6000 sq. ft. eliminating all Wi-Fi dead spots soyou can enjoy a fast & consistent Wi-Fi experience wherever you go. Why is Mesh Wi-Fi better ? Super-easy install with pre-paired configuration; Self-healing technology improves stability, the network still works if one unitis offline; Wireless roaming with no latency (one Wi-Fi network for whole home coverage). The foundation of your Smart Home NOVA can handle simultaneous connections from multiple devices & also workswith the Amazon Echo to control compatible devices. APP Control With the Tenda Wi-Fi App, you can monitor your Nova while you are away, whichhelps you customize & manage your network with features such as guest-useraccess & parental controls. Box Contains Product; Power Adapters; Install Guide.