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Weight: 6 Ounces (170 Grams)
Purity: 99% Pure
Grade: Laboratory
Texture: 8x12 Mesh Beads
CAS Number: 1318-02-1
You are buying 6 Ounces of Molecular Sieve. The item is in 1 polypropylene bottle. Molecular Sieve (4A Pore Opening), also known as Synthetic Zeolite, has hundreds of uses. Primarily for water absorbtion, Product can be reused / reconsituted many times. Bottles are made of sturdy polypropylene. The square, “space-saver” shape ensures that the bottles fit snugly on a shelf. The wide mouth makes for easy dispensing and stackability. To ensure a spill-free journey, the screw tops are shrink-wrapped and the bottles sealed in plastic.