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Lupit Pole is a Slovenian (EU-EUROPE) based pole equipment company, dedicated to quality, reliability, and puttingcustomer satisfaction at the center of all it’s activities. Quality, smart products, premium design, global reach, and premium service are the brand’s core values. Lupit Pole strives to develop long-term partnerships that fulfill all of the customers’ needs through ever-growing knowledge of it’s highly qualified and passionate team of experts. Lupit Pole Diamond is basically Lupit Pole Classic decorated with the famous and luxurious Swarovskicrystals. A removable, multi-piece pole that is easy to move from house to house or room to room withouthaving to buy a new pole. For anyone living in an apartment or thinking of moving in the next 5 years, thisis a great option. It can be easily installed/removed in just a few minutes by a single person. It has been designed for quick installation without drilling. Quality rubber surface, unique upper disc Flex System and patented Safety Block Nut ensure maximum safety to the dancer. Dancer gets the highest satisfaction on this pole because it is totally smooth from the top to the bottom, it is safe andreliable, has amazing spin and optimum grip. The pole is made of top quality materials such as highpolish stainless steel.