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Two (2) Tubers of Organically-grown Quality Yams shipped right to your door
Nutrition Rich Yams - Great source of Potassium, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, B-complex group of Vitamins, Complex Starch and Manganese
African Yams have a unique light, subtly sweet taste and flexible preparation – Consumed Boiled, Fried, Grilled, Roasted or Baked
No Additives, Pesticides or Chemicals used, Non-GMO
Free Shipping (Note: yam tuber may be cut to fit shipping box)
African Yams are starchy tuber vegetable native to Africa. The edible yam tubers have a brownish bark-like covering or skin, enveloping a white to yellow succulent pulp. YAM CARE: Store yams in a ventilated and dry environment. Do not refrigerate raw yam tubers. Always wash yams in cold water before cooking and then clean your hands in soap and cold water afterwards to avoid skin itch from cut yams