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Pure Whole Food Multivitamin for Women Balance your health and increase your body’s nutrients with Vitamin IQ’s Whole Food Multivitamin for women. Our all-natural vitamin delivers the best ingredients in a daily pill to maximize your well-being and assist with immune, digestive and brain health. The science-backed formula includes key nutrients from whole food, rather than synthetic sources, to ensure maximum absorption for complete nutrition. Gifts for your Mind and Body VitaminIQ Whole Food Multivitamin for women consists of a dynamic and effective formula that inspires and activates a healthier lifestyle to bring you meaningful results that make you feel alive. These natural capsules are made without iron, which can cause nausea and vomiting (among other side effects), making them ideal for women 50+. Vitamin IQ’s Whole Food Multivitamin is also made without folic acid, a synthetic nutrient, and instead contains folate found naturally in whole food for better absorption of nutrients that boost your brain health, memory, energy levels and beyond. What’s In It? Our 100% vegetarian capsules contain the vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health, while supplementing your body with the nutrients lacking in normal diets. Our ultra-premium ingredients provide fuel for both your mind and body without sugar or sweetener, including: Gotu Kola and Green Tea Leaf Extract: Improved Memory, Cognition and Clarity Vitamin K: Heart Health Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium and Boron: Bone Health Lithium Orotate: Brain Health and Focus Vitamin B12: Mood and Nervous System Support Lycopene: Eye Health