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Choosing Grana Every Morning means... You support the Guatemalan coffee community by drinking the arabica coffee of the year, strictly high-altitude and hard bean coffee, cultivated at more than 1,300 meters above sea level. You are drinking the handpicked superior coffee beans from each harvest of the eight top regions of Guatemala. You have experienced our coffee's exceptional aroma, flavor, body, and acidity and have found your perfect match. That's why Guatemala's National Coffee Association, Anacafe gave Grana an 8.25 average rating out of 9 You have jumped on board to the Grana coffee experience, enjoying your best quality of life, while enjoying the best quality coffee in your own home! Our History: The only impossible thing is what has not been tried. It all started with the passion for coffee... Grana was founded with the belief that we could offer the best coffee experience, with the convenience of a capsule. What's the secret? We only use coffee of unique origin and high quality. Our Guatemalan location allows us to roast and pack our product near some of the best quality coffee plantations which is why we are able to select the best and freshest coffee beans for our customers. Our culture was created by an ecosystem of people who love coffee, including tasters, baristas and producers who make this project possible!