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BEST VALUE FOR TEXT, VOICE & DATA: 3000 Iridium GO! Text or SMS messages, 120 voice minutes, 60 data minutes or combination thereof. Valid globally, 6-month expiry. (Iridium GO! device not included.) Activate within 1 year of purchase.
HASSLE-FREE ONLINE ACTIVATION & REFILL, 24/7: Activate & refill online 24/7 in real-time(within 1 year of purchase). No activation fee or monthly access fee.
SEND MORE TEXT MESSAGES: The best value for text messaging use with lower burn rates for each text message, compared to other cards
INCLUDES VOICEMAIL & TWO-STAGE INCOMING CALLING SERVICES: Convenient features from BlueCosmo make it easy to pick up voicemail from missed calls, and less expensive for contacts to call your Iridium satellite number.
REFILLABLE: You can keep your Iridium satellite phone number by refilling this cardonline. When refilled your expiry date and airtime balance is reset, any unused minutes previously purchased do not rollover.
Global voice, data and text messaging coverage for the Iridium GO! device, and the best value for text messaging Iridium GO! 3000 SMS Prepaid SIM Card supports global text messaging, voice and data calls with no coverage gaps. No activation fee. No monthly fee.Includes 9000 prepaid units of Iridium airtimeand a 6-month expiry Enjoy the equivalent of 3000 text messages(3 units each), 120 voice minutes(75 unitseach), 60 data minutes(150 units each)or any combination thereof. Free direct dialed incoming calls and textmessages. Ideal for seasonal use.The best value for text messaging For those who prefer to texting to talking, the Iridium GO! SMS Prepaid Cardsfrom BlueCosmo offer the best value and the lowest burn-rate for each text (just 3 units).Activate & refill online –easy, fast and convenient! BlueCosmo provides the latest in account management and provides less hassle, more convenience with self-serve online activation and refills done in real-time, 24/7. Refill online and keep your same satellite phone number. Get low balance alerts and automated refills when you’re running low.Voicemail & Two-Stage Incoming Calling Service included Value added features from BlueCosmo. Convenient voicemail service for missed calls. Two-stage dialing service makes it more affordable for contacts to call your Iridium satellite phone number by dialing a US phone number.Global coverage via the Iridium satellite network The only network offering reliable global coverage on land, oceans and waterways and in the skies.Great for seasonal use or fixed budgets The Iridium GO! 3000 SMS Prepaid Card isperfect for anyone on a fixed budget because there are no overage fees, you prepay for airtime in advanceso there are never any overage fees.