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Your statue depicts an adorable hand carved figurine. Soapstone contains many beautiful and varied colors such as brown, tan, cream, ivory, white, red, burgundy, green, olive, grey, black, blue, orange and yellow. Each animal carving features natural patterns and very fancy ornate carved craftsmanship. Soapstone helps you broaden your horizons and follow the changing tides. Calming and allows you to release old routines. Stabilizes atmospheric electricity. Animals serve as spiritual guides into universal realms and shamanic journeys. They connect you to the oneness of nature and existence. Each animal has a specific meanings and symbolism, often varying by culture and beliefs. They bring positive life force and energy. A Dog totem is a great spirit booster. Dog medicine embodies the loving gentleness of best friend and the fierce energy of protector. The dog is a symbol of nobility, loyalty, unconditional love, protection, service, guidance, and the hunt. One of the domesticated dog's greatest attribute is the capacity for unconditional love. He helps protect the family from bad feelings toward one another. Dogs have long served as guardians for man. They are infinitely loyal and steadfast in loving kindness, service and protection. One can learn many things from the dog: the joy of service, loyalty, sensitivity to "sniffing out" dangerous situations, faithful companionship and the true meaning of unconditional love.