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BOUQUET - lavender, freshly squeezed lemon, rose water, pure cane sugar. Mix with vodka, gin, tequila, rum, champagne or soda water.
FRESH : All-Natural, No Preservative, No Additive, Gluten Free, fresh ingredient cocktail mixers in glass bottles to KEEP flavors fresh!
SIMPLE : Fill your glass with ice, pour 1.5 oz WithCo Bouquet, add 1.5 oz of vodka, gin, tequila, rum, champagne or soda water and garnish with a lemon rind. Each 16 oz. bottle makes 10 cocktails.
MISSION : WithCo stands for “With Company” and we believe in using cocktails to build community. Next time you gather, bring a bottle of WithCo.
PURPOSE: The perfect gift for cocktail enthusiasts, health and wellness minded shoppers, those who love to host or simply wind down with a clean, fresh cocktail in the evening.
BOUQUET - lavender, freshly squeezed lemon, rose water, pure cane sugar. Mix with vodka, gin, tequila, rum, champagne or soda water. FRESH : All-Natural, No Preservative, No Additive, Fresh Ingredient cocktail mixers SIMPLE Fill your glass with ice, pour 1.5 oz WithCo Bouquet, add 1.5 oz of vodka, gin, tequila, rum, champagne or soda water and garnish with a lemon rind and enjoy. MISSION : WithCo stands for “With Company” and we believe in using cocktails to build community. Next time you gather, bring a bottle of WithCo. PURPOSE: The perfect gift for cocktail enthusiasts, health and wellness minded shoppers, those who love to host or simply wind down with a clean, fresh cocktail in the evening.