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Rebuilt from the ground up by Bluepoint Games and JAPAN Studio, SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS on PlayStation 4 system introduces the awe of its unforgettable world and towering creatures to a new generation of gamers, while allowing long time fans to revisit the beloved masterpiece with unparalleled visual fidelity and improved performance. Tales speak of an ancient realm where Colossi roam the majestic landscape. Bound to the land, these creatures hold a key to a mystical power of revival - a power you must obtain to bring a loved one back to life. The SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS Special Edition Box Set includes the game in a stunning Steel book case, artist postcards, printed instruction manual, physical world map, in- game extras (including Ancient Bow, Cloak of Fate, and special skin for Agro), avatar set, dynamic themes, and more!