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This blueberry is full of color year-round. Leaves range from Peach to pink to Orange to emerald Green
Light exposure: part shade. Hardiness zones 5-10. Habit: mounded. Hardy trees & shrubbery
Edible fruit, Red fall color, spring flowering
Patent: pp23325
Sunlight exposure: partial shade
This Blueberry is full of color year-round. Leaves range from peach to pink to orange to Emerald green. In most climates, leaves persist through the winter & transition to a rich Eggplant purple. Healthy, sweet blueberries are produced in abundance in mid-summer. Self-fertile. Light exposure: part shade. Hardiness zones 5-10 habit: mounded. Hardy trees & shrubbery. Edible fruit, red fall color, spring flowering. Naturalizing.