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🧗🏼LIQUID CHALK - Portable with less mess than block chalk and much less waste. Ideal for gyms who do not allow block chalk or for a home gym where you do not want a mess.
✅EASY TO APPLY - Quick dry and sweat resistant formula. Perfect for weightlifting and obstacle courses.
DEADLIFT LIKE a BEAST - No more slipping off the barbell when you are knocking out heavy deadlifts.
🏋🏽GET A GRIP - Significantly improves grip ability for Pull-Ups, Deadlifts, Kettlebells, Rock Climbing, Gymnastics and many other sports activities. Customers claim that they can increase Deadlifts by up to 20% with the additional grip.
🕘LONG-LASTING - This chalk can last through an entire weightlifting workout without the need to re-apply, unlike traditional block chalk. When the chalk dries, it sticks better to your hands and creates a long-lasting base layer.
Liquid Chalk is a convenient alternative to carrying around a messy chalk ball or block. Just simply squeeze a dime-size amount into your palm, rub your hands together and fan them dry for about 10 seconds. Washes clean with mild soap and water. Our sweat resistant formula is the perfect alternative for use in gyms that don't allow messy, traditional chalk. This chalk will last longer on your hands. It can be used to enhance your grip during weightlifting, cross training, gymnastics, kettlebell workouts, rock climbing or any sport where it's needed. Whatever you're trying to get a hold on, use this chalk and don't let those slippery suckers get away!