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Peanut, also known as groundnut and goober (Arachis hypogaea), is a crop of global importance. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, being important to both smallholder and large commercial producers. It is classified as both a grain legume and, because of its high oil content, an oil crop. World annual production is about 46 million tonnes per year. Peanut pods develop under the ground, which is very unusual among crop plants. One cup of raw peanuts contains approximately 828 calories, 72 grams of fat, 37 grams of protein, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of fiber and 10 grams of saturated fat. These numbers constitute 110 percent of the daily value of fat, 73 percent of protein, 50 percent of saturated fat, 19 percent of fiber and 8 percent of carbohydrates. Raw peanuts have a negligible amount of sodium and are cholesterol free. Raw peanuts' low carbohydrate-to-protein ratio makes them a good snack choice for people following low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets.