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One beautiful and elegant Dozen White Roses Lowest Online Pricewith gypsophilia and green. A total of 12 White Roses. A box contains 1 ready to go dozen roses (no vase included). Roses are 16"- 18" inches long. Your Dozen White Roses Lowest Online Price are shipped absolutely fresh, direct from the greenhouses to you via FedEx. With our prices, ordering 12 White Roses or more doesn't need to be a costly endeavor. Our wholesale White roses are also all freshly-cut and shipped directly from our greenhouse so they reach your doorstep in their best condition. With our best price guarantee you are assure to find the best value. Globalrose sells wholesale flowers and wholesale roses at prices that are usually lower than most local wholesalers. All our flowers and roses are cut specially for you, your loved one or special event (wedding, party, fundraising event, birthday or holiday), 3 days before they are deliver to your door. Globalrose the best place for your Dozen White Roses Lowest Online Price!