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Please make sure that you buy authentic product from official Karelian Heritage Amazon Store. How to make elite shungite water? Carefully wash elite shungite stones before suing them to get rid of any dust and dirt. In order to prepare the water use around 50-70 grams of stones per one liter of water. You can drink it in 3 hours already though it is better to infuse for 2-3 days to get the best result and drink it fresh. Change shungite stones once in 3 months. To prepare a shungite bath with elite stones you need around 300 gr. (100 gr. per 50 liters). Pour hot water into the bath and put the elite shungite stones. Keep the stones in a bath for 20-30 minutes and then wait till the temperature of water in the bath will be acceptable for you and take a bath for 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to have a shungite bath 3 times per week. Russian scientists have proved that shungite water is a good remedy against the whole plethora of diseases. Thus, if you have skin related diseases or chronic respiratory disease and digesting problem shungite water is what many experts and natural healers recommend. Elite shungit stones are also used for making pendants which are known for harmonizing the biofield of a person. You can also keep it in your pocket.