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Tiesta tea collects and evaluates ingredients from around the world to create blends that support various priorities of loose tea lovers, including energy, weight control, relaxation, recovery from illness, and the effects of aging. Many blends created by tiesta tea combine chunky pieces of fruit, whole herbs and spices rather than simple flavorings, providing qualities that both tea novices and experts can appreciate. Tiesta rhymes with fiesta and siesta, a name the brand creators chose to emphasize well-rounded living. Tiesta tea created energizer loose tea blends to support anyone who seeks a mental and physical boost by drinking black or mate teas to limit fatigue. The slenderizer loose tea blends support those seeking appetite control and boosting metabolism by drinking green and oolong teas. The immunity loose tea blends support anyone who gets vitamins and other nutrients by drinking rooibos or herbal teas to confront illness. The relaxer loose tea blends support anyone who winds down by drinking herbal or rooibos teas to calm both mind and body. The eternity loose tea blends support anyone who tackles the effects of aging by drinking white, green, or herbal teas that contain superfruits and antioxidants.