TEMCo WC0281 - 20 ft 3/0 Gauge AWG Welding Lead & Car Battery Cable Copper Wire RED | MADE IN USA

Product ID : 27293254

Galleon Product ID 27293254
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About TEMCo WC0281 - 20 Ft 3/0 Gauge AWG Welding Lead

Highly flexible stranded No. 30 bare copper conductor insulated with high grade EPDM. A paper separator is utilized to enchange stripability. Maximum conductor operating temperature is 105°C in circuits not exceeding 600 volts. Minimum temperature rating -50°C. In addition to welding applications, welding cable can also be used in car audio & battery installations, RV & golf cart wiring, solar & inverter wiring, battery banks and any other use that requires rugged, highly flexible cable.Note: If more than 1 length of wire is bought, 99% of the time it will be shipped on the same roll. Example, if a 10 ft length and a 25 ft length are bought, then you would receive 35 ft on one but cut into the lengths that are bought.