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Color: Green | Pattern (Type): 4 point set (200 ml × 2, 500 ml × 1, 1.2 L × 1) Product description ● [Remarks] ● In the case of bulk buying, shipping charges for the number of items may be added according to the specifications of the system, but shipping fee amounts to 1 piece per delivery destination. - Although it may be possible to specify the delivery date by the specification of the system, please understand that you can not specify the delivery date. ● Cancellation after confirming your order and "Returned Goods Exchange" due to the customer's convenience of the items we delivered are not made. From Amazon ● Because you can see the contents, do not forget to use, save well and quickly cook ● Without using lap, heating with a microwave while keeping the lid, directly to the table ● Because stacking can be stored, it also works in refrigerators ● Because the main body is made of heat-resistant glass, it does not discolor even when placing plush or lemon slices such as strong acid or salt ● Also do not change the color and smell of curries and ketchup dishes ● Can be used for ovens if you remove the lid