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Stone Size: ~1" Large / Weighs 20-40g Each
Available Quantities: 1lb (10-20 Pieces), 3lbs (30-60 Pieces), 11lbs (100-200 Pieces)
Stones have been soaked in water to showcase its potential!
Each and every specimen is unique and you will receive ones similar to the image shown.
You will receive an assortment of these stones. You may or may not receive every stone type in this lot. Lot may include other local stones that may not be listed above.
Great for tumbling! Wonderful mix of 17 quality gemstones from Brazil. This lot is a mix of Amethyst, Green Aragonite, White Aragonite, Blue Onyx, Green Onyx, Red Onyx, Citrine, Blue Quartz, Green Quartz, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, White Quartz, Fuchsite, Orange Calcite, Blue Calcite, Orchid Calcite and Red Jasper, and other local stones that may not be listed above.