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The 3,600 calorie ER Bar is a 72-hour emergency ration formulated specifically for disaster victims. Each packet contains nine individual 410 calorie rations that are ready-to-eat with no preparation. The ER bar is formulated with an optimum balance of salt, carbohydrates, protein, fat and enriched with the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals. One 3,600 calorie ER Bar can minimally sustain an average person up to three days if necessary, but it’s advisable to evaluate the needs of your family and prepare accordingly. Following a disaster, food supplies may become disrupted, stores closed and power outages could last for days. Survival experts recommend storing a three-day supply of non-perishable food per person to prepare for emergencies. Store ER Bars in multiple locations for easy access to essential nutrition in an emergency. The special re-sealable package is vacuum sealed and certified by the U.S. Coast Guard to maintain freshness for up to 5 years. ER bars contain no coconut or nuts which may cause dangerous allergic reactions when no medical aid is available. Non thirst provoking formula.