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100% Pure Spanish Saffron Threads / Filaments
Each Gram for 24 Serving
Full Stemmed Saffron Threads / Coupe Quality
Method of Consuming Saffron: Method of Consuming Saffron The best method for consuming saffron is drawing it. For providing and drawing saffron, apply a little saffron in a small bowl pestle and then rub it with a little sugar or a lump sugar and then mix a teaspoon of rubbed saffron with a half cup of boiling water and then leave it for a few minutes with the aim of being drawn. After a few minutes, saffron will be more colorful. Note: For drawing saffron, a bowl made of a special metal called zinc is the best choice. If rubbed saffron, mixed with boiled water, is put over the rice inside the bowl, saffron will turn into strong color. Note: The more boiled water is hotter, and the more saffron is turned into saffron powder(it became softer), the more color will be obtained from saffron. In other words, if rubbed saffron is mixed with very hot water, its color will turn stronger. Sometimes, adding a bit more saffron will boost the degree of its color. The saffron solution can be kept and preserved in a capped glass bowl inside the refrigerator up by one week.