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Highly evacuated electron tube with focusing electron gun and fluorescent screen inclined relative to the beam axis, so that the path of the beam can be seen and the effects of electric and magnetic fields can be studied. The electron beam can be deflected electrically in the electric field of the built-in plate capacitor, and magnetically by using the Helmholtz coil pair D. By adjusting the electric field so that it cancels the magnetic deflection, it is possible to determine the specific charge e/m and the velocity of the electrons. Filament voltage: 6.3 volts AC. Maximum anode voltage: 5000 volts. Anode current: approximate 0.1 milliampere at 4000 volts. Maximum capacitor voltage: 5000 volts. Fluorescent screen: approx. 90 x 60 square millimeters. Glass bulb: approx. 130 millimeters diameter. Total length: approximate 260 millimeters.