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Viola cornuta, or Johnny Jump-up, is a sweet little perennial that has sunny, pansy-like blooms. The blooms are tri-colored with shades of purple, yellow and white. They are charming and make sweet little bouquets for indoor enjoyment. Another name for these little violas is Heartease, and some herbalists use them for medicinal purposes. They are great for containers or plant them in mass groupings in the front of the flower border. They prefer cool conditions, so after they bloom in the spring, cut them back, and they will bloom again in the fall. They prefer rich, well-drained soil, and they like full sun to partial shade. After the danger of frost has passed, directly start the Johnny Jump-up seed outdoors in a clean, weed free bed. Cover the seed lightly. Maintain moisture until germination occurs. With a temperature range of 65 - 75F, germination is usually within 21 days. Space the plants 6 inches apart.