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Product Description ANCIENT FORESTS: A CLOSER LOOK AT FOSSIL WOOD Perhaps the most intriguing, beautiful, and informative fossil wood book of all time, exploring the subject with images to illustrate each point with Scanning Electron Microscope images, digital micro images, macro photographs, and medium format photographs. Frank Daniels and geologist Dick Dayvault team up to explore the intricacies of fossil wood by leading the reader on an expedition into the micro world of fossil wood mineralization and cell structures. Not just macro and micro images, this book includes hundreds of photographs of some of the most beautiful and interesting petrified wood specimens in the world, including 75 full page specimen photographs. 1600 color photographs, charts, and diagrams, including 438 fossil wood micro images, 40 Geologic Landscapes , and 46 thin section micrographs from modern conifers and hardwoods. Enormous 7 1/2 pound book with 456 11 by 12 inch pages Specimen photographs from worldwide locations, including numerous woods, cones, ferns, cycads, and short shoots, and including Acrostichum, Araucaria mirabilis, Araucarioxylon, Aurealcaulis moorei, Behuninia provoensis, Calamites, Carpolithus radiatus, Carporichnus bertheorum, Carya, Casuarina, Cupressinoxylon, Cyathodendron texanum, cycadeoid, Dadoxylon, Ginkgo, Grammatopteris, Hermanophyton glismannii, Hermanophyton taylorii, Jensensispermum redmondi, Juglans, Juniperus, Metasequoia, Osmunda, Palmoxylon, Pararaucaria, Pityoxylon, Platanoxylon, Podocarpoxylon, Protoyucca shadishii, Psaronius, Quercus, Rhexoxylon, Schilderia adamanica, Sequoia, Steinerocaulis radiatus, Taxodioxylon, Tempskya, Tietea singularis, Trochodendron, Ulmus, and Woodworthia arizonica. Fossil wood specimens from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Gondwana, Great Britain, Greece, Indonesia, Malagasy Republic, Pangea, Paraguay, Turkey and Zimbabwe; and from Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming in the United States. Major chapters address Fossil Wood Structure and Identification, The Process of Wood Transformation to Stone, Fossil Woods from the Western United States and around the World, and 3 Major Museum Collections of Fossil Woods. Review A superb photographic atlas of nature's paleobotanical jewels. Any serious petrified wood collector, and every library, should own this book. -- Fossil News, Summer 2006 Amazing book. The remarkable full-color photographs are the most detailed and extensive renditions on the subject available. -- Rock & Gem, September 2006 Highly recommended for all levels. A fine work and a tribute to the wonderful world of fossil plants - way underpriced. -- CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, September 2006 The presentation is excellent and useful .... Ancient Forests is highly recommended and certainly well worth the price. -- Rocks & Minerals, July/August 2006 From the Author I would like to share this review from CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. Science and Technology-Earth Science Daniels, Frank J. Ancient forests: a closer look at fossil wood. by Frank J. Daniels and Richard D. Dayvault; photos by Frank J. Daniels. Western Colorado , 2006. 450p bibl index afp ISBN 0-9662938-1-9, $89.95 . Reviewed in 2006sep CHOICE. Here is a coffee-table quarto-sized work that goes well beyond the insipid into the world of the useful. The book is a photographic survey of most, if not all, of the major petrified wood deposits known to collectors worldwide. Chapter 1 presents visual keys for the identification of polished slabs of petrified wood. A discussion on petrifaction of wood, which is not available in such an accessible form in the primary scientific literature, is a valuable addition to the taphonomy of fossil plants. Browsing through the numerous superb illustrations gives the same feeling as sifting through the