Sleepyhead Sleep Aid Supplement, Melatonin and Valerian Root, Caramel Toffee, 10-Pack

Product ID : 6303846

Galleon Product ID 6303846
Shipping Weight 0 lbs
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Shipping Dimension 0 x 0 x 0 inches
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About Sleepyhead Sleep Aid Supplement, Melatonin And

NARRATIVE: The ticket to a superb day isn't energy drinks, or coffee, or caffeine. It's doing what your body is naturally wired to do, use sleep to reenergize. Sleepyhead helps you get to sleep pronto. It's refreshing, glorious, deep, rejuvenating, simple, attainable, SLEEP. Our Key Ingredients: MELATONIN - The natural chemical in your brain that tells you when it's time to go to sleep. Triggered by low light levels, melatonin is released in the evening and tails off during the morning hours. Melatonin levels vary depending on age, lifestyle, diet, exposure to light, sleep schedule and countless other factors. VALERIAN ROOT - Is a perennial plant that has shown to improve sleep quality without morning grogginess. It's been used for centuries for its sedative properties. During the early Roman Empire it was prescribed as a remedy to treat insomnia. GABA - A naturally-occurring chemical between our nerve cells. GABA is responsible for neutralizing stress signals in our nervous system. The result is a calming effect. It is said to be the "balancer" of our nervous system.