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New 2011 Barbie Halloween Doll
Halloween Party Barbie doll is bewitching wearing a pointy hat and stylish witch's gown
Stylish witch’s outfit is detailed in glittery pink and black with and orange flared skirt and necklace
Also, features pink highlighted hair and matching patent leather like pointy hat and matching boots
Halloween Barbie is a perfect addition to any Barbie collection
From the Manufacturer Barbie Halloween Party Barbie Doll 2011: Halloween Party Barbie doll is bewitching in her fashionable Halloween outfit. This year’s Halloween Party Barbie is featured in patent leather like pointy hat with matching knee-high lace up boots. Stylish witch’s outfit is detailed in glittery pink and black with and orange flared skirt and Barbie. The Barbie doll is also featured in pink highlighted hair. Halloween Barbie is a perfect addition to any Barbie collection.