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PURELINE makes the highest quality filters on the market that are just as good as the name brand filters. We are a family first choice filter that makes great tasting water that is clean and contaminate free our priority. Our filters provide same quality water as your name brand filter, but are half the cost or less. You can use the money you save towards your family and still provide them the water they deserve. Compatible Refrigerator Water Filter Models EDR5RXD1; 4392857; 4392857R; 4392922 ; 4396508; 4396508P ; 4396508T; 4396509; 4396509P; 4396510; 4396510P; 4396510T; 4396562; 4396563; 4396918 ; 2203980, 2305767, 2305768, 2255518, 2186444, WF-NL240V, WFNL240V, NL240V, WF-NL240, WFNL240, NL240, WF-NL300, WFNL300, NL300, WF-L400V, WFL400V, L400V, WF-L400, WFL400, L400, WF-L500, WFL500, WF-300BR;8212491; LC400V; NLC240V; WF-LC400V; WF-NLC240V; WF-NLC250