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The Cups & Scales Everything Weighed & Measured Cookbook is a factual and inspirational guide. It contains 7 Sample Plans of Eating and 300 Recipes - No Sugar, Wheat, Flour - With and Without Starches and Grains - Everything Weighed & Measured. • Find Sample Plans of Eating. View seven sample plans of eating - plans with one fruit to four fruits per day, and plans with and without starches and grains. Use the recipes in this book separately or in combination with a plan of eating. See websites where you can obtain plans of eating supported by non-profit overeating and food addiction groups. Read an essay on Facing Plan of Eating Choices with My Healthcare Practitioner & A Sponsor from a Twelve Step Recovery member. • Learn about adjustable Frequencies of Meals. • See over 300 Recipes - No Sugar-Wheat-Flour - Everything Weighed and Measured, With and Without Starches and Grains. Recipes may be used in combination with the plans of eating. • See What's In It - What Isn't In It, ingredients used in the recipes, and "what" a serving amount is in the ingredients and foods. • Read To Weigh & Measure or To Not Weigh & Measure and learn about The Phenomenon of Weighing & Measuring. • Hear one contributor's take on The Benefits. I Eat with Safety & Security Because I Shop for the Right Foods & Weigh and Measure • 'I Cook & Eat With Happiness' • 'I Cook & Eat Without Remorse' • 'I Get Consistent Brain Functioning & Balanced Metabolism' • 'I Get 'Peace of Mind on a Plate'' • 'I am safe' • 'I have never lost the right to eat' • 'I have another meal coming' • 'I have the comfort of knowing where I will get my next meal' • 'I have the safety, security & comfort of knowing what will be in it' • 'I use cups and scales for my better ordering and preservation' • 'I get clarity and understanding' • Get information on People & Groups who offer support in letting go of compulsive eating, including people in Compulsive Overeaters Anonymous-HOW. Cups & Scales Forum; Food Addicts Anonymous; Food Addicts: The Body Knows Online Discussion Group; Greysheeter's Anonymous; Overeaters Anonymous, regular OA meetings and OA H.O.W .and 90-Day meetings; Recovery from Food Addiction; and The Parking Lot. Contacts are willing to be your phone buddy or to sponsor you. Get access in this book to free phone meeting numbers, websites, and email addresses to contact people and groups. • Read an essay on The 'Science & Spirit' of Meals vs. Pounce & Grazing, by a Twelve Step Recovery Member. • Think about Sweeteners: Each One Makes a Decision , an essay by a Twelve Step Recovery member, including a brief history of sugar. • See Resources and Links to products some of us use, including cups & scales, non-aerosol oil misters, soy, and non-alcohol no sugar flavorings. This book is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by any organization. It serves the function of press. It gives information. Many men and women weigh and measure food as part of a personal plan of recovery from problem eating. Many recovering individuals DO NOT weigh and measure food. There are many strong feelings about it. The editors take no position on weighing and measuring or the sample plans of eating illustrated. The thoughts in this reader are not intended to diagnose or treat or cure any illness and do not constitute medical advice. We are not engaged in rendering medical, nutritional, dietetic or other professional information. If medical, nutritional, or diatetic advice or other expert advice is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The best safeguard against either compulsive eating or compulsive dieting is an active participation in the Twelve Step Programs of Recovery. We remember that no Twelve Step Program member plays Doctor.