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Product Description The Catholic Church through the Ages, now in its second edition, is a one-volume survey of the history of the Catholic Church from its beginning until (and including) the pontificate of Pope Francis. The book explains the Church's progress by using Christopher Dawson's division of the Church's history into six distinct "ages," or 350-400 year periods of time, each cycle beginning with great enthusiasm and advancement and ending in decline and loss. Writing with the experience of thirty years of teaching, the author has fashioned an ideal text that combines substance with readability. Undergraduates, graduates, and interested lay people have given the author an idea of what topics should be emphasized. As a result, he has emphasized such areas monasticism, the Crusades, medieval theology, the Inquisition, Reformation, French Revolution, the nineteenth century, and the Church in the United States. And he has added material on the Oxford Movement, John Henry Newman’s contributions to the Oxford Movement and to the Catholic intellectual tradition, and the Catholic literary revival that took place in several countries in the early twentieth century, as well as on the last three popes. As a supplement to each chapter, the author has included an updated the recommended readings and bibliography, as well as the audio-visual materials. † About the Author Rev. John Vidmar, OP, is associate professor of history at Providence College in Rhode Island and the archivist for the Dominican Province of St. Joseph. The author of Praying with the Dominicans and 101 Q&A on the Crusades and Inquisition and coauthor of 101 Q&A on The Da Vinci Code and the Catholic Tradition, he holds a doctorate in theology from the University of St. Thomas in Rome and an MPhil in ecclesiastical history from the University of Edinburgh.