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Product description Mom's Choice Recipient, Liz Kulp, as a young teen with Fetal Alcohol Effects challenged the world to peer inside her life and brain. Through her own writings the reader is taken on a life changing journey that will impact their thinking about how to help and understand children with brain damage due to Fetal Alcohol. "Mom, I want to write a book anout what it's like to have FAS/E (fetal alcohol syndrome/effects) I think people need to know ... and so began Liz's and my journey in writing The Best I Can Be - Living with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Effects. Liz was right, it was a story that needed to be told. Fetal Alcohol Exposure is a leading cause of cognitive challenges and intellectual disability in the western world. It is estimated that one out of 10,000* children born each year in the United States as FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) and one out of 100** have FAE (fetal alcohol effects). Research and experience has proven one label is not better or worse than the other. Over tens of thousands of newborn US children each year will have to learn to cope with this disability. It is time to come out of denial - alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not safe. Let Liz take you on our journey - it is a journey of hope, of dedication and of perseverance. Thank you Liz for your courage to share your story. The Best I Can Be Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders by Liz Kulp and Jodee Kulp is a recipient of the prestigious Mom's Choice Award for Best Young Contributing Author. The Mom's Choice Awards honors excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. Parents and educators look for the Mom s Choice Awards seal in selecting quality materials and products for children and families. This book/product has been honored by this distinguished award. About the Author Liz Kulp is a dynamic adult who is challenged daily by brain injury, sensory issues and physical differences she received because of her birth mother's use of alcohol during her pregnancy. Liz doesn't let her differences stop her in living life to its fullest. She is a dynamic speaker and advocate for others living with the challenges of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)