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Product Description Mersen class R rejection fuse reducer allow the use of lower rated fuses in existing equipment having clips with higher ampere ratings. Allows 100A fuse to fit 200A clips. The use of closer rated time-delay fuses can improve circuit protection. Renewable or one-time fuses feeding a motor can be replaced with fuses sized closer to the motor nameplate current. Rejection-type reducer will allow only class R fuses to fit class R clips. 250V voltage rating and 100A fuse current, 200A holder current. UL listed guide no. IZZR. CSA certified. From the Manufacturer Mersen R212 100-200A R Fuse Reducer Pr, UL Power Fuse Reducer, Rejection, Class R Fuse, 250 V Fuse Current Rating 100 Ampere, 600 V Fuse Current Rating 100 Ampere, 250 V Clip Current Rating 200 Ampere, 600 V Clip Current Rating 200 Ampere, Approval Ul, Csa, R2 Model